Ok, so for as cool as Iceland sounds, I don't think that I'm going to be able to convince Jody to take me there anytime soon, especially after the winter we had (100+"! Fuck!) and the fact that (1) Iceland is notoriously spendy and (b) the dollar is weaker than that paper towel that has to go up against Bounty in the commercials.
That said, I'm posting a new poll ("new poll!") to pick your brains to see what your favorite warmer clime is. Please post any write-in suggestions in the comments below.
PS: Stupid Pennsylvania...
5 years ago
You should try to sell him on Iceland AND a tropical locale. I went with my brothers three years ago for four days over Memorial Day weekend, and it was tremendous. It's a bit expensive, but not terribly so unless you intend to drink a lot in the bars. Pregame using alcohol you bought at the duty free shop in your departure airport, and the entertainment expenses are negligible.
i'm voting CA even though i hate this state because i know you guys love it, had fond memories, and if you hurry up and party over here - i have NO excuse not to make it (i'll bring my 2 cute little monsters and feed them beer if i have to!!!!!)
Wait - I don't see Arizona on that list...
I was always one to believe time at local beats all, so I voted for the caribbean (being from the east coast) since that would be my shortest travel time, leaving me with most beach/drinking time. I'm not so sure what the deal is from WI, but it is why I'll probably never make it to Hawaii
Gorman--Jody knows he isn't totally off the hook for Iceland, it just might not happen until Violet is old enough to get into some trouble of her own.
HH--We are planning on getting out there before too long...maybe we'll try for this fall? Ooh...do we play Stanford away this year?
As for Arizona...Hook me up with a swank spa resort that isn't *all* about golf, and we got something to talk about.
Anon--I grew up on the east coast, so I've got the Caribbean drilled into my head as the go-to sun destination. Jody has a bad impression of it because of his time in the Navy, but I've been trying to impress on him that he only saw the loading dock of the islands, not the nice part out front where the guests go...
Stupid, assinine, ridiculous, moronic Pennsylvania. WTF people.
Brent (Jeff's brother; evil drinking buddy) is going to Malta next month - supposedly it's cheaper than Europe proper and everyone speaks English. Hopefully we'll get some stories and photos once he gets settled.
That said, my vote is for HI.
Don't know if we'll ever (or is that "ev-ah") cross paths, but I voted for the Caribbean - especially someplace far out to the east (just had a cruise out there in December to celebrate the end of chemo). It was very far away from everything and that was good for me. You can spend an awful lot of money looking for that get-away feeling, but I found it in the Caribbean.
I think that Iceland would be fun.
What about Cuba....i don't think any of the presidential hopefuls could/ would catch us.
Hi Trish. I have been to Malta (chasing Brad Pitt while he was making Troy) and it was a pretty cool spot. I was surrounded by 1200other sailors so it was, in fact, a little slice of heaven.
Also I was born in Western PA and I can say that everyone there should go fornicate themselves with a stick. If Hillary wins I am staying home
WHOA--this is such a no-brainer. I know it won't win in the warmer clime category, but Kodiak Island is the most beautiful subarctic island in the world with king crab off the shore and salmon running up the rivers and an old roomie who could host. I recommend early September. But my second choice would be Hawaii, of course.
I hear you, Sailor Jody. Nothing says vacation like being surrounded by thousands of drunk shipmates crowding into the local MickieD's. Always made me feel proud to be American. ;)
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