So yeeeeeeeeeeah, gonna be a little incommunicado for the next couple of days--although I pretty much have a standing order for Jody to bring me (1) my laptop, (b) a Jamba, (iii) and chocolate cake (not necessarily in that order) just as soon as I get the green light, so I might be back sooner than you think. Or not. Who can say?
In the meantime, please keep an eye on my Care Page, where my mom will be posting any and all details she will be able to get out of my sentry and sweetums.
If you have any problems accessing the page, shoot my mom a line at judy[removeallthisnonsense]magenis AT yahoo DAHT com. Just when you do, be sure to id yourself with your standing nickname...I can't tell you how many people had to introduce themselves twice to my mom in our wedding receiving line.
And not to totally draw this out, but thanks to Jenny "Action" Sullivan, Jody and I recently got to watch our unofficial wedding video for the first time. I look much cuter than I remember, Jody looks about 18, and oh boy did we have some fun...
Ok, I really should sign off now.
Let's go crack some skulls.
5 years ago
Here is to the docs kicking some butt and making you all better. I will be thinking about you. Best of luck!
I'm sending some amazing good vibes your way, hoping that everything is easy and quick and that you are back on your feet ASAP!
Best wishes for success and a speedy recovery!
did action catch our rendition of "livin on a prayer"???? if so - i HAVE to see that video! best wishes - xoxo
Best of luck and lots of love Bridge. I'll be thinking about you, as always.
Thinking about you today (and always) ...i am even (cover your eyes, mom) blowing the dust of the ol' prayer machine. Lots of love coming at you, sister. hugs and kisses to you!!!!
Thinking of you today B. Hope that by now you're long out of surgery and relaxing with the help of some lovely pain meds.
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