

Many heartfelt and lip-smacking thanks to Kris for her fantastic care package that arrived in the mail the other day, complete with a kangaroo-cute tea towel, some choco-licious Tim Tams (I'm going to have to root around the "ethnic" aisles of my local grocers for these), *and* one fan-frickin-tastic cross stitch, which was prominently displayed in our home shortly after it was modeled by our wee one:

Now I just need to work on leaning to cross stitch myself, so I can juxtapose "Be the change you want to see in the world" with "Hell is other people..."

Thanks again, woman!! Shoot me a line to give me your updated "stuff I miss that I can't get over here/down undah" list. xo!


Kris said...

Sweeeeet! I was really worried about sending it framed, and I had this image of you pouring out a box full of shattered glass dust. I'm glad it worked out though!

Don't worry about a return package at the moment; we'll probably be heading to the States in a few months anyway. I'll let you know if I think of anything though...

Anonymous said...

I have a brand new respect for needlepoint. --Cappy

Sugarmouth O'Riordan said...

Kris--At one point I thought I saw a crack in the glass and was all "awww, nuts" but it came through like a champ! I really really lurve it--thanks so much for braving the needles for me!

Cappy--When I finally get my stitch on, I'm going to make you this. WOO!